Ligñon Hill in Legazpi City, Albay

Standing at 156-meter high, the Ligñon Hill offers a 360-degree view of the entire city, the Albay Gulf to the east and the majestic Mayon Volcano to the northwest. Aside from the view, the spectacular sunrise, the sunset, and various activities will give fun and excitement to all the members of the family. Coming from a refreshing visit from Sumlang Lake in Camalig, we now set out to Ligñon Hill Nature Park in Legazpi City, another top tourist destination in my hometown in Albay.


The best time to visit Lignon Hill is early morning to stay away from the scorching heat of the sun and in the afternoon where it is cold and with the spectacular sunset

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The Friendly Trek in Quitinday Green Hills, Camalig, Albay

It was in May 2006 when I took my first memorable airplane ride bound for Albay, my humble hometown. There was a tinge of fear when the plane took off but then excitement ruled the day. When the captain announced the landing I was mesmerized glimpsing the majestic Mayon Volcano and when I stooped down, I saw the mass of mounds that resembled Bohol’s Chocolate Hills. An overwhelming curiosity had taken hold of me. This is a unique natural wonder but why it hasn’t been discovered yet so it will be added to Albay’s roster of famous tourist attractions.


the view from the second summit, the hills and Mayon Volcano

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